Posted by
Zach on October 11th, 2011 in
Tutorials | 568 comments
Tired of those ugly faded needles that need some attention? You've come to the right place, in this tutorial we are going to show you the right and easiest way to paint those needles in your cluster. There are a couple different styles and ways to paint your needle so read along and please take note that this tutorial is specific to the older style needles...
Posted by
Justin on September 3rd, 2010 in
Tutorials | 8 comments
This tutorial will show you what is involved in un-soldering the SMD LED's in your vehicle. Be warned that is it recommended to have electric soldering experience when trying this.
Posted by
admin on March 29th, 2010 in
Tutorials | 3 comments
In this video tutorial we show you the right way to install and upgrade your lights in your dash. We have selected our regular 4 point leds for installation in this instrument gauge cluster.
Posted by
admin on March 29th, 2010 in
Tutorials | 3 comments
We realize that sometimes you need to remove the white face gauges that you've installed in your vehicle. This tutorial covers the removal process of our white gauges.