This item is for those customers that just can't wait for us to release white face gauges for your vehicle. Most of our white gauge releases are done by requests, the more we receive the better change you have of us releasing the white face gauges for your peticular vehicle.
Due to customer demand we have put up this item which is good for a white face gauge conversion for your vehicle. We do require you to send us a picture of your dash upon checking out and paying for this item. Please send the picture of your dash to dashpic at and make sure to fill out the form above so we know what vehicle year, make and model we are converting for you.
After payment and sending us the picture of your dash you will receive an email letting you know the status of the white gauges, on very rare occasions that we can't find the gauge cluster you are requesting then we will send over a refund. Please note if this is a new cluster, a hard to come by cluster or a cluster that is simply to much to purchase we will refund your payment.
Please allow 15-20 business days for us to order the cluster, render the white gauges, print them and ship them to you.