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  • 1981-1989 Dodge Ram 180 KMH METRIC KPH White Face Gauges
    $34.99 $24.99 Choose Options
    Sku: 8189DR-2360
    1981-1989 Dodge Ram 180 KMH METRIC KPH White Face Gauges
    Pictures shown are of white face overlay only, we are not selling the gauge cluster assembly. Computer printed and cut on vinyl plastic for an easy to install process with perfect fit. Needle removal is not required at all besides...
  • 1981-1989 Dodge Ram White Face Gauges
    $34.99 $24.99 Choose Options
    Sku: 8189DR-167
    1981-1989 Dodge Ram White Face Gauges
    Pictures shown are of white face overlay only, we are not selling the entire gauge cluster assembly. Manufactured on a 3 Mil. matte white material that allows an easy install on curved and odd shaped gauges. Needle removal is not...
  • 1981-1989 Dodge Ram White Heater Control Overlay HVAC
    $24.99 $15.99
    Sku: 8189DR-1981
    1981-1989 Dodge Ram White Heater Control Overlay HVAC
    Our white heater controls are specialty printed then laminated with our Xtermal laminate. We then computer cut them for a perfect fit, every set is manufactured on a high quality vinyl plastic. These white heater controls use a special...

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